U.K. ROAD TRIP…Cornwall

After only having 15nights off Logic in the last 3 years, it was important that I did something land based for a few months. 

So in early January I left Logic, safely moored in a marina near Brisbaneand set off on 30hr journey to the other side of the worldTook the Airport Express train from Heathrow to Paddington Station in London.

Home of Paddington BearThen boarded a train

for the 4hr journey from London to Falmouth, in Cornwallto stay with my very good friend Lisa and RufusOn the way home from the train station we stopped off at the famous Pandora Inn for a pintDrinking “warm beer” is a acquired taste, that I have not yet acquired!! Lisa and I have cemented a very strong friendship, after she crewed for me for a month of sailing around NZ in 2107 and then a sail from Brisbane to Melbourne last year.

As you will see from the smiles on our faces in the photos in this blog and subsequent one, we enhance each others enjoyment of life, when we share our adventures.

I will be spending the first  week of our road trip at Lisa’s house

She lives in Penryn, a small old town just inland from Falmouth

plenty to see, when I go walking 

Lisa has a Tigger from Winnie the Poo, personality. Any thought I had of relaxing holiday away from my permeant holiday lifestyle, was immediately dashed by 3 days of very enjoyable, Lisa style frenetic sightseeing around Western Cornwall.First day was a drive down to The Lizard, the most southern point of mainland Britain.

with a stop off at the fishing village of Coverack

Then down to The Lizard

A location name that was embedded in my subconscious, from my adolescent readings of  the Hornblower series of books, on the exploits of a fictional Napoleonic Wars-era Royal Navy officer.

and in the spirit of ROAD TRIP, we could not drive past a 15th century pub without stopping in for a pintLisa gets a lot of enjoyment from driving her BMW hatchbackRally driver style, through the backroads of western Cornwall

I have the privilege of  sitting in the passenger seat, taking in the scenery, while admiring her driving skills as she cuts the corners, centimeters from the bank, while being ever watchful for car coming the other way, on roads that a lot of time are only one car wide.

Day 2, was a trip to Lands End, the most South Western point of mainland Great Britain.

First stop along our way there was at Saint Michael’s Mount in MarazionAt low tide there is a causeway, where one can walk out to the island. Unfortunately the tide was not out, so the walk out to the island has had to be postponed.

Cornwall is recognised throughout the British Empire for its Cornish Pasties.

Only pasties prepared in Cornwall and following the traditional recipe can  be described as Cornish after the European commission awarded the dish “protected geographical indication” (PGI) status.

Throughout Cornwall there are bakeries making and selling Cornish PastiesThere is something very special about eating a Cornish Pasty in Cornwall (with a audience!!) Next stop was Penzance (a name made Synonymous with Pirates, via a Gilbert and Sullivan musical)The flowering Jonquils are telling us that spring is not too far awayas we walked to Mouseholethen drove onto PorthcurnoAustralia does not have a monopoly on white sandy beachesthere is a spectacular, amphitheatre, The Minack Theatre, built into the cliff facean ideal spot for a picnic lunch  then onto Lands End(on the top right of the sign post is a clue to were our ROAD TRIP is going)

On the way to Lands End we stopped at Porthgwarra, to enjoy the rugged rocky coastline

and a walk above the cliff faceAnd with it being ROAD TRIP,  it was now time to find a quirky pub for a pint.

The easy choice was the Admiral Benbow in Penzance

While it made no claim to be being “Pirates of Penzance” themed it could well be, with a sniper on the roof top  Inside the dining room was decorated to resemble the below aft deck of a Napoleonic era  Man-Of-War warship

the bar maid was dressed in themeand the well earned beer was delectably enjoyed in the quirky surrounds Day 3 was a visit to Saint Ives,

(in summer it is overrunning with tourists, but in the middle of winter, apart from us, there were very few of them)

it is working fishing villagea great spot for a walk around

taking quirky photos

Then it was time for “Cornish Traditional Fish and Chips” overlooking the harbour (with the umbrella up to stop the seagulls pinching our chips) 

On the opposite side of the bay from St Ives is Gwithian and Godrevey Towans. Great opportunity for Rufus to chase rabbits…

Just a short walk along the coastal path is a special place where the seals come to haul out and play

Cornwall is famous for growing daffodils with huge fields of yellow flowers – Eastern Europeans come over every year to pick them to send to market

Passing through the old village of Mawgan where Lisa used to live, we stopped at the local church where her daughter used to do school plays when she was little


after this week of day trips, it was time to embark on ROAD TRIP proper,

North to Wales