going north……take 2……part1



After a month in the marina,  working on the boat, I was getting marina fever, and needed to be back on the sea.

Via an add on the internet (gumtree), I found 3 crew.001 Rob from Melbourne, Annie from Denmark and Arianne from Scotland

We left Morton Bay with rain squalls coming through a regular intervals002 (Medium)

which eventually stopped, with the obligatory rainbow 003 (Large) We got across the Wide Bay Bar that evening. Setting off early the next morning to catch the tidal flow through the Sandy Straights004 (Small) 004a004bIt was an very still day, ideal for motoring, so we kept on going, to finally anchor mid Platypus Bay, which is in the north western side of Fraser Island004c

The waters off here (Hervey Bay) are world renown for Humpback Whales, pulling into for a few days break, from their annual journey up and down the Australian east coast. The calm weather made it vey easy to spot them in the distance007 (Small)005 (Small)006 (Small)After a big day of whale watching we anchored in the very top of Platypus Bay, to enjoy a magic sunset

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the whales were close enough to the boat that their singing serenaded us throughout the night, live relaxation music, was a very special experience

we left a 2am the next morning to use the tidal flow out of Hervey Bay on our journey to our next stop, Lady Musgrave Island. The full moon made the pre dawn, very easy to motor-sail009 (Medium)

Lady Musgrave Island is  a coral cay, in a circle of coral reef010

It is one of the few coral lagoons with an entry that a boat can get through, it was very popular, with at least 20 boats anchored in the lagoon 011

As you can see from the photos, there was a storm building, from the north west, which made for a lumpy night, when the tide was high and the swell came over the reef.

no trip to Lady Musgrave is complete without the obligatory snorkel on the coral012a012

We left Lady Musgrave Island and went up to North West Island, where we had the amazing experience of a surface feeding Manta Ray, swimming around the anchored boat.

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Unfortunately the photo does not do the experience justice. I paddled over on the stand up paddle board, to have the manta, wider than the SUP was long, go 2mts below me, then do an inversion roll.

After putting out  3 fishing trolling line behind the boat for over 1,000 miles, we finally caught a fish, not just one fish but two 7kg Mackerel Tuna016 017 (Small)

The knot on the genoa halyard let go, so I had to go up the mast, to drop a mouse cable down to rerun it. It was my first time up the mast, so I was a bit apprehensive, but all went well, and I will be more relaxed next time and wont give myself a strained  groin.025 (Medium)

Mark with another Mumby designed catamaran was still at Great Keppel Island, he and his son came out for a daysail on Logic019 (Small)

He and Rob, got busy in the Kitchen making Focaccia for lunch020 (Medium)

We did some squid fishing off North Keppel Island, and caught one much to Charlie’s delight021 (Small)

Then the 4 of us went ashore for a walk022 (Medium)