4th Vanuatu National Arts Festival Days 2 & 3

Day 1 was big, but Day 2 was bigger (probably because the Prime Minister came for the day)and then these amazing masks started walking in

a lot of chickens have gone into all these decorations


and then it was time for high chiefs from all over Vanuatu, to lead the Prime Minister to the stage

and then some dancers from Ambrym had their turn on the field


another performance
and another

the audience was enjoying the FestivalI bumped into Rodrigues from Dixon Reef, who had performed yesterdaythen the boys from Lamap came back with a different dance
I’m reasonably confident that these guys are from Pentecostthe rattles around their ankles are made from nuts

and then the it was the turn of the woman from Umet

the WOWs just kept on rolling

and then, one of the special moments for me, was the performance by the boys from Lakona Bay on GauaI got to have a big hug with my “brother” Chief Johnthe day was coming to an end, the final performance was by the students from Lycee LABthe guy in the panama hat and loin cloth, is the Prime Minister of Vanuatu
when I got back to Litslits, the boys from Lamap were still pumped and going for it

Day 3

I am so so lucky to be here for this amazing experience, the days and the dances just keep on coming.

Due to the no shows, the boys from Gaua have been scheduled to repeat their dance, first up this morning. Which I did no mind, as I have a vert soft spot for them after my time up there.

That is my “brother” Chief John walking around, keeping an eye on the young men.

and then the next dancers were from Aneityum. With Natu, from Port Patrick, being the official spokesperson. Tannis and I spent 5 days anchored off there last year and got to know her quite well She and Nick were practicing the very same dance, with the school children, when we were there

I quickly rushed over to the exit to catch up with Nickand Natuthe amazing cultural dancing kept on coming

These guys walked in, did a few laps of the field and walked out

while these guys were the total opposite, kicking up a lot of dust (by now I was getting a hay fever response to all the dust, with associated symptoms of a head cold)

These guys got a lot of fun out of posing with meI caught up with my very good friend, Chief Christopher from Lakona Bay on Gauathe people watching at the festival, on and off the field is unrealthe guys who posed for the picture with me, did a great cultural dance

all the dust they were kicking up, was having a big deleterious effect on me by now, I have no memory of this cultural dance apart from this photoand there is still another 2 days to go